
Monday, August 29, 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga Gold Permanen

Are you fond of Ninjas and action packed flash games involving chakra, Ninja skills, genjutsu, taijutsu and other stuff like the Naruto anime? Well, then you might be playing or you might want playing Ninja Saga from Facebook or other social media networking sites. Aside from Mafia Wars, I also loved playing this game which I first found when I saw someone from the office that is playing it during their free time.

This is the reason why I searched for cool tricks, cheats and tips that will help me level up with my current Ninja character.


  1. cheat engine 5.6.1 disini
  2. mozila atau sejenisnya!!

Tutorial Cheat Ninja Saga gold Permanent :

-work tidak'a cheat tergantung komputer kalian,,jdi klo gx work pndh komputer aja,,klo gx pu'a komputer lgi main di warnet aja.klo gx bsa jga gnti komputer'a lagi
-biasa'a claim reward yg dpet gold itu "friend's recruit 0/6"

  1. bka ns selesaikan claim reward,,tpi jgn diambil dlo claim reward'a
  2. bka ce plih "plugin container.exe" scan uang yg kamu pu'a pke 8 bytes
  3. nnti akan kluar value xxxx78,,gnti dgn xxxxac..kalau adrss yg kluar akhir'a 7c gnti dng 9c,,tpi kdang2 stlh kamu scan gold kamu pke 8bytes kluar'a adress yg akhir'a 7c truss kmu gnti jdi 9c hasil value'a jdi aneh!!!mka brhti-hatilah!!!
  4. nnti value'a akn jdi lvl kmu,,gnti value'a jdi 750000000
  5. ambil claim reward'a lalu tunggu!!!
  6. jika kmu dpet gold,,ns kmu akn sperti berkedap-kedip(jgn di refresh) . jgn kawatir itu tanda'a cheat'a work jika dpet'a xp akn refresh ns'a,,cba lgi bsok cheat'a
  7. saat mendapatkan gold ns kmu akn sprti berkedap-kedip(jgn di refresh),,tpi jgn kawatir itu tanda'a cheat'a work,,bka ns di tab yg bru,tab yg ns'a berkedap-kedip close aja jgn di refresh ns'a.
  8. play ns di tab yg bru,,lihat gold kmu akn ber + mnjdi lebih dri +2milyar
  9. klik + dipojok knn ats postingan ini agar work cheat'a

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